Campaigns run on analytics and reporting. Here's how to generate reports for your text broadcast campaigns on CallHub. (SMS and MMS)
While running a Text Broadcasting campaign, you may generate reports for your campaign to get an insight into the messages, the costs for the messages, the total number of messages sent and received, the error codes for the messages, etc...
Campaign results:
You can view these results under the "Responses" tab. You may filter the campaign's results on various aspects like Date range, Agent name, Specific Tag, or a question asked.
You may click on "See details" under "Survey Results" to find more details about the messages sent from the campaign.
After filtering the results, you have the option to either export the results in CSV format or to create a contact list from the results. Creating a contact list is useful if you wish to run a campaign for filtered contacts.
The exported report will have details below.
Campaign name: The name of the campaign
Firstname: Contact's first name.
Lastname: Contact's last name
Email address: The email of the contact.
City: The city of the contact.
State: The state.
Zipcode: Zipcode of the contact's address.
Phone number: The cellphone number of the contact.
Agent: the username of the agent that sent the message.
Last_message_sent: The most recent message sent to the contact
Messages: The number of messages in the conversation
Conversation format (sender (time): message): The complete conversation of the contact with the agent
If you have used custom fields for the contact, they will be available in the Campaign Results, and the data for the fields will be available based on every contact.
SMS Reports:
To generate an SMS report for a Text Broadcast Campaign, you need to navigate to Reports > SMS.
Here, you may generate reports based on filters such as Start and finish date, the status of the message, the error code, a specific campaign, the Direction of the message (Inbound or Outbound), and whether the message is an SMS or MMS. Once done, you need to hit the Search button and click on "Export" to export the report in a CSV format.
The fields exported in the CSV file include the content of the message, the cost of every message, error codes (if any), the name of the agent (for P2P campaigns), the Caller ID of the campaign, the recipient's number, and the messaging ID.
Sender: The name of the sender
Sender number: The Caller ID of the campaign.
Recipient number: The contact's phone number
Agent: The name of the agent that sent the message
Send date: The date and time when the message was sent from the campaign.
Gateway message ID: A unique ID generated by telecom carriers. If you are facing issues with the delivery of messages, please provide us with this ID, and we can investigate further.
Message: The content of the message/script.
Attached Media: The link to the media (if any) used in the campaign.
Status: The status of the message (Delivered/Queued/Failed)
Direction: Outbound or Inbound
Cost: The cost of the message in $
Below is a sample of what an SMS report looks like.
For Inbound messages, the Sender number is the number of the contact, and the recipient number is the Caller ID of the SMS campaign.
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