Calls to the US, UK, Canada, and Australia are enabled by default. Calling a number apart from this? Here's what you need to know.
While running a Call Center or Voice Broadcast Campaign, you might run into an error "Country not activated, please contact Support" this happens when the number/contact you are calling, belongs to a country that is not activated on your CallHub account.
This process is enabled on CallHub accounts to prevent malicious use. We will need manual verification to enable outgoing calls to these countries. There are two ways to activate your account.
1. . You can set up a call with us so that we can qualify your use case and help you with your questions about CallHub.
2. You can also email with the details below so that we can enable calls/SMS on your account.
- Use case: How do you plan to use CallHub?
- Name of your organization and Organization's website
- Call volumes: How many people would you reach using CallHub?
- Do you have opt-ins to reach the contacts?
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