Alter the hold music to what your agents want to listen to on hold while making calls in a CC campaign. Add silent audio for no-hold music.
After joining the campaign, agents hear hold music while CallHub is making calls and waiting for the next call to be picked. Sometimes agents work on campaigns for a long time, and this music could be annoying. If you do not want to play this music to your agents at any point in time, you can follow the steps below to replace the existing audio with a silent audio file.
You need to create an audio file without any sound. This file could be in .wav or .mp3 format. You can also download the file attached to this article.
1) Upload the Audio file; you can upload an audio file from the Media section
2) Navigate to Call Center Settings here
3) Search for "Agent Hold Music" Settings.
4) Select the Audio file from the dropdown and set the music.
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