Avoid getting filtered by the carriers as Spam and increase your delivery rates. Here's how you can register 10DLC for Political messaging.
Political use cases for 10DLC require brand and campaign registrations which is similar to the other use cases in the 10DLC space. However, the vetting is carried out by a separate entity called Campaign Verify.
Campaign Verify is a TCR partner for brand vetting. Campaign Verify Token is mandatory for brands that wish to run political campaigns.
The Campaign Verify process needs to be completed by the Brand owner from www.campaignverify.org, and once it is complete, the token generated in the process needs to be submitted under the use case section on your CallHub dashboard. Click here for detailed steps on how to register your brand for 10DLC.
Note: Do not submit your Brand for Vetting from the CallHub dashboard if you are registering your brand for Political Campaigns.
Campaign Verify Process
You need to navigate to the Campaign Verify website and sign up with the Candidate details.
Note: If you are registering multiple brands/candidates, you will need one Campaign Verify token per brand/candidate.
Post this; you will receive an email with the link to log in to the Campaign Verify Wizard. Here, you need to click on the link, and you will be redirected to the Campaign Verify dashboard. Click on "New Verification Request" to submit the details.
In the next step, you need to select the type of Campaigns you are running. Federal or State/Local Elections.
Note: Federal Candidates require an FEC ID.
Moving forward, you need to submit the below details. Click on "Next" after confirming all the details, and you will be redirected to the payment page. Every candidate registration will be charged $95 by Campaign Verify.
Points to note:
- Political use-cases cannot be registered with a different brand. Therefore, the details submitted to Campaign Verify should match the details you have submitted for the Brand Registration on the CallHub dashboard.
- The Campaign Verify Tokens for the multiple candidates cannot be linked to a single brand on the CallHub account. Multiple use-cases can be linked to a brand except for Political use-cases.
- One CallHub account can currently register only one Brand, and one Brand can register only one Political Use-case.
- The Brands for Political use-cases should be registered in the name of the candidates you are running the campaigns for.
Once the details are verified by the Campaign Verify Authorities, you will receive a PIN which you need to enter in the link you have received in the email. On entering the PIN, the system will generate a Campaign Verify Token.
Registering your Brand for 10DLC Political -
To register your Brand for a Political use case, you need to enter the brand name as your Political Committee. Further, you need to choose "Political campaigns and services" as the vertical, Non-Profit as the Organization type, and choose "Yes" for "Is your brand a Political Action Committee or 527 organization?"
Only then will you be able to choose "Political" as the use case and proceed with using the Campaign Verify Token for Vetting. A sample registration format for a 10DLC political use case is in the below image.
Note: You will be charged $4 for registering Political Brands.
Registering your Use case for 10DLC Political -
While registering for the 10DLC use case, you need to enter the name of your Political Committee as the name of the use case. Next, you must select the Campaign type as "Special Campaigns" followed by "Political".
Here, you will get the option to enter the Campaign Verify Token as specified in the below image.
Click on "Next" to submit the sample messages and make the payment. The CallHub system will verify your use case, and 10DLC for Political Campaigns will be enabled on your account.
If you have any doubts or concerns, please reach out to us at support@callhub.io or create a ticket from https://support.callhub.io.
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