While recharging your account, you may run into issues with your card payments. You may refer to common issues, their details, and the resolution below.
The card is away from the place of the issue
- Bank reported that the card is being used far away from the place of the issue
How to resolve: Send us your driving license so that we can verify your account with the bank
The Zipcode you supplied failed validation.
- Bank reported that the ZIP on file is different from what is supplied.
- If you have recently moved, ZIP might not have been updated with the bank.
How to resolve: Call your bank and update ZIP on file to resolve the issue
Your card has insufficient funds.
- Funds in your account are not sufficient to cover the cost of purchase.
- If the bank could not properly assess the risk of currency conversion, then the bank declines the charge
How to resolve: If a cardholder sees this error message, they should contact their bank.
Your card does not support this type of purchase.
- Some cards require adding a PIN in order to complete the purchase which is not available. You need to use another card to complete the purchase.
- Some cards are not allowed to make international purchases. You need to contact your bank to resolve the issue.
- Some special cards can only be used for certain business categories, like travel or healthcare.
How to resolve: Use some other card if you see this error.
Note: We do not accept payments from Prepaid cards.
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