Brief understanding of why Branching Scripts take the upper hand on Linear Scripts for phone banking with lengthy and complex scripts.
Branching Scripts (also Dynamic Scripts) will boost the "ease of use" for volunteers that have to go through huge scripts, multiple surveys, and event responses. Below, we will discuss the difference in script flow for Linear and Branched Scripts and how Branched Scripts will make your calling easy.
Linear Scripts -
Linear Scripts are traditional static scripts in a Call Center campaign. The agent must go through the entire list of questions and responses with this script setup. This means, after the initial introduction, the agents need to read the whole question, record the response, search for the script based on the response and read it out to the contact.
A brief flow is as below.
Join Campaign > Next Call > Contact Answers the call > Read the initial script > If yes, search the next script > Read the script > Record the response > Search the next script based on the response > Read the script > Search for the End script > Read the End Script > Disconnect.
Branching Scripts -
Branching Scripts is a Dynamic new age script setup with which the system will only display those scripts to the agent relevant to the previous response. This means the agents do not have to spend time searching for a suitable script over the call. This will ease the call flow and also reduce the confusion among agents.
A brief flow is as below.
Join Campaign > Next Call > Contact Answers the call > Read the initial script > If yes, click Next and Read the next script > Record the response > Read the script > Next > Read the End Script > Disconnect.
Attributes | Linear Scripts | Branched Scripts |
Use cases | Small campaigns that do not need much navigation. | Campaigns that include many survey questions to and fro conversations for which responses need to be accurately recorded. |
Call Flow | Go through the entire script and read out relevant questions—Ease of use depends on the order of the script | Select the specified option to move to the next question—Independent of script order. |
Functionality | Static | Dynamic |
Branching Scripts will only display the next script based on the action taken on the previous question. This means no unnecessary clutter, a smooth call flow, and a great success rate for your campaigns.
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