Want to integrate your quizzes and surveys on Typeform with CallHub? Here's how our Zapier integration helps you connect the two tools.
Zapier integration allows you to connect CallHub to any other app through zaps. For example, a Press-1 lead from CallHub can be a contact in Zoho CRM. A new contact registered through Typeform becomes an agent in CallHub. Here, lets see how a Typeform entry can be signed up as an agent in CallHub.
Typeform and CallHub
Navigate to the "Integrations" section on your CallHub dashboard and scroll to Zaps. Click on "Use CallHub with Zapier"
Choose the Zap to create an agent in CallHub for a new Typeform entry.
Log in to Zapier and start the zap setup.
Choose the Trigger App as 'Typeform' and proceed to choose the new entry. In the next step, connect to the Typeform account. You should have an Agent Typeform Entry form created in the Typeform App. Select the Typeform Entry form. Click on"Test and Continue" to test the entry.
The output of the test should be as in the below image.
Choose the Action App as CallHub. Select the type of CallHub Action and connect to the CallHub Account. Post this, set up the agent name and email Id fields from the Typeform fields. Click on "Test & Continue" to create test agent and continue. A new test agent will be created in CallHub.
Turn on the Zap and you're good to go!
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