CallHub can be integrated with PDI from the "Integrations" section on the CallHub dashboard. You need to click on "Connect" to initiate the integration setup.
Next, you need to enter your account's username, password, and API key provided by PDI. If you wish to connect all your sub-accounts to PDI, you must manually set up the integration.
Note: You need to get in touch with PDI Support to get the API token.
Note: To gain access to PDI in each sub-account, users must connect PDI with each sub-account individually.
To complete the setup, you need to set up a non-contact or Call disposition in the form of a survey question on PDI. This question should include all the dispositions that the user can use in a campaign. Once it is created, you can "Sync" the integration, and you should be able to set it up with the mapping.
You can map the CallHub call dispositions to the Call Dispositions available on PDI from the Settings section.
After finalizing the call disposition mapping, you must choose the acquisition type. This setting indicates the source from which survey responses are collected. You should establish an acquisition type named "CallHub" within PDI and select this option under Acquisition Type in CallHub.
By doing so, it would be easy for users to identify the source from which the data was collected.
If you are running Texting campaigns and syncing the data to PDI from CallHub, you may use "
Sync Text activity with PDI" option and select both boxes to sync the text activity. This way, the system will automatically add a tag to a contact when a text is received by them, and when they respond to the received text.
Once done, the integration is complete, and you may move forward to importing the lists to CallHub from PDI.
You can import the list from a Voter Universe or a People Universe. You may choose the lists you wish to import to CallHub from the list that appears in the editor.
Note: You can import multiple lists at a time, and these lists will be added as separate contact lists on CallHub.
If you have added any data in PDI after setting up the integration, you need to click "Sync" to sync the latest data from PDI into CallHub.
If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to get in touch with the Support team at or create a ticket from the Support Center.
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