Survey-based tagging is used in P2P texting and calling campaigns to collect favorable responses to questions and tag people in your CRMs.
You can now filter people from the CRM based on tags, survey responses and then use these contacts for follow-up campaigns.
How to configure Survey based tagging
- Login to the dashboard, click on a new campaign and choose Peer to Peer texting or call center.
- On the survey page, Go to Add surveys, events, and more and add a survey question, e.g., if you are connected to NationBuilder, choose Use NationBuilder Survey from the dropdown.
- Once you add a survey, you will get options to select CallHub/NationBuilder Tags; Now, Associate required tags to the survey responses, e.g., If you would like to tag all people who own a Platy Fish as fish owner, you need to choose the tag "fish owner" from the dropdown forPlaty.
Go ahead and finish your campaign setup
When you log in to the agent console and go to a given contact, You can get the survey question and respond to it with Platy, as seen in the screenshot below.
When you log in to the NationBuilder instance and lookup for the contact, you can see the tag added as in the below screenshot:
Note: The above is an example for NationBuilder Tagging, you can follow similar steps to add tags to the surveys, events for the integration you have set up.
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